Goran Kovačević und Friends: Appenzeller Balkanjazz-Stubete
TASTENTAGE – Musik ganz nah – als Live-Stream
TASTENTAGE – Musik ganz nah – als Live-Stream
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Article - Goran Kovačević und Friends: Appenzeller Balkanjazz-Stubete
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Accordionist Goran Kovačević, professor of classical accordion and artist of transformation between styles, epochs and cultures, and the trio "Appenzeller Echo" have been bringing together the folk music of the Balkans and Appenzell in their programme "Appenzeller Balkanjazz-Stubete" for some time now, creating a symbiosis not only of these two musical cultures, but also of klezmer rhythms and Indian gypsy music in their programme. Once again they show that music knows no boundaries.
According to their origin, Goran Kovačević, Josef and Benjamin Rempfler as well as Walter Neff mix with a light hand the local and the local, their own and third hand compositions, the proven and the experimental. With his composition "Both" Kovačević celebrated a crossover piece from klezmer rhythms to the roots of Indian gypsy music, while Josef Rempfler really staged a composition by Walter Alder.
Goran Kovacevic, Akkordeon
Appenzeller Echo mit
Josef Rempfler, Violine
Benjamin Rempfler, Hackbrett
Walter Neff, Bass
Peter Lenzin, Saxophon
Raphael Brunner, Akkordeon
Juan Diaz, Flöte
Like many Swiss folk musicians, the Rempflers and Neff are hobby musicians. Farmer and IT supporter is the older Rempfler, farmer and bricklayer polisher the younger and Neff is cook trainer. The professional in the quartet is Kovacevic, but the differences are only on paper. In the "Appenzeller Balkanjazz-Stubete" there is no sign of this.
Together they ignite a musical firework display and use the enormous expressive possibilities of the respective folk music, from traditional string music, natural yodelling with thaler wings, new compositions, folk music from Eastern Europe and various parts of Europe to jazz and free improvisations.
Especially for the TASTENTAGE Kovačević now brings together the "Appenzeller Balkanjazz-Stubete" with another project from his oeuvre, a new one with the saxophonist Peter Lenzin, the accordionist Raphael Brunner and the flutist Juan Diaz.
The result is a multifaceted concert program that ends as a septet, a fusion of different styles and projects, a premiere that raises high expectations on the basis of the great musical competence of the musicians involved.
Many thanks to the following supporters, sponsors and patrons:
Davos Klosters; Cultural Commission Canton Graubünden / Swisslos; Cultural Commission Prättigau; Anny Casty Spokesperson Foundation; SUISA Foundation; Anne-Marie Schindler Foundation; Pro Helvetia; Egon and Ingrid Hug Foundation; Boner Foundation for Art and Culture; Cardon Foundation, Klosters; Erica Foundation; Klosters Trade and Industry Association
Maissen, spectacles and contact lenses, Klosters; Graubündner Kantonalbank, Participation Fund; Hotel Chesa Grischuna, Klosters; Rotary Club Davos/Klosters; Schawalder + Kocher, Advokatur | Notariat | Mediation, Klosters; Fleischzentrum, Klosters; Migros Kulturprozent; Helios Apotheke, Klosters; Buchdruckerei Davos; Schauerte, Klosters; A. Rüedi, architecture office, Klosters; Fross Immobilien, Davos/Klosters; Alfina Immobilien, Klosters; Repower, Poschiavo; Monsteiner Bier, Monstein
Vanessa Muntinga, Klosters; Elisabeth and Hans David Meisser, Klosters; Pieter Deiters, Klosters; Hans Peter Kocher, Klosters; John Reisinger, Klosters; Francy Rüedi, Klosters; Rudolf Wassmer, Zurich; Caecilia Duwaer, Sint-Genesius-Rode (Be); Lilot Hegi, Böckten; Mattli & Hew, Davos/Klosters/Zurich; Danièle Meyer, Zollikon; Matthias Müller, Zurich; Ursula Pretzlik, Klosters; Rolf Paltzer, Klosters; Silvia Paradowski, Zurich; Piano Rätia, Davos, Christiane and Nicolaus Weickart, Klosters; C. and R. Winkler, Klosters; Anthony und Susanne Vischer, Klosters
Maria Juliane Alban, Klosters; Dropa Drogerie Ambauen, Klosters; Fritz Hegi, Zurich; Fabio Giuri, Küblis; Beatrice Keller, Aarau; Gabriele Klemm, Wädenswil; Jürg Prader, Davos; Hanna Portmann, Zurich; Sigi Ritter, Davos; Edith Schmid, massage practice, Klosters; R. Spokesperson, Klosters; Nicole Stein Lötscher; Andri Steiner, Lavin; Marion Theus, Klosters; UBS Switzerland AG; Angelika Ruth Wilcke; Car dealership Willi, Chur
Ticket discounts: Visitors with JazzCARD or AHV-entitled choose the category "Guest card"
Students choose the category "Member"
Please have an appropriate ID card ready at the cash desk.
Gratis-Live-Stream, mit Spendenmöglichkeit
Streaming-Link: www.artonair.tv/programs/tastentage-2 . Websites: www.goran-kovacevic.com/ www.appenzellerecho.ch/ www.daskollektivduo.com/de/ www.peterlenzin.com
TASTENTAGE / Kulturgesellschaft Klosters
Postfach 154
7250 Klosters
Aeussere Bahnhofstrasse 3
7250 Klosters-Serneus