Die Theorie von Allem
Stil, Suspense, grosses Kino in den verschneiten Alpen
Stil, Suspense, grosses Kino in den verschneiten Alpen
- Kino
- Thriller
Article - Die Theorie von Allem
1962: Johannes Leinert travels with his doctoral supervisor to a physics conference at the Hotel Esplanade in the Swiss Alps. An Iranian scientist is due to give a groundbreaking lecture on quantum mechanics. But the speaker, who is expected to deliver nothing less than a theory of everything, is late and the high society passes the time with witty dinner parties and elegant ski trips. When one of the German physicists dies in a monstrous manner, murder is suspected.
A movie that has what it takes to become a modern classic. Style, suspense and a narrative that walks off its own precipice: it has everything that makes for great cinematic art in the best Hitchcock tradition.
Regie: Timm Kröger
Mit: Jan Bülow, Olivia Ross, Hanns Zischler, Gottfried Breitfuss
CH/A/D 2022, Deutsch, ab 12J, 119 Min
Ohne Ermässigung:
CHF 16.- Sitzplatz unnummeriert
Gästekarte (Klosters, Davos):
CHF 15.- Sitzplatz unnummeriert
Mitglied (KgK/KPD/La Vouta):
CHF 14.- Sitzplatz unnummeriert
Kind (bis 18 J.):
CHF 14.- Sitzplatz unnummeriert
Aeussere Bahnhofstrasse 3
7250 Klosters-Serneus