David Helbocks «Random Control»: Kunterbuntes Meisterstück | Drupal

David Helbocks «Random Control»: Kunterbuntes Meisterstück

TASTENTAGE - Musik ganz nah

  • Musik
  • Jazz

Article - David Helbocks «Random Control»: Kunterbuntes Meisterstück

Fri 24.09.2021 | 17:00 - 19:00


The 32-year-old Austrian jazz pianist David Helbock belongs to the generation of young jazz musicians who break the boundaries of their profession, who radically change the musical understanding of old and new, of composition and improvisation, of style and personality and go their own way.

More than a dozen instruments in concert on stage, but only three musicians: David Helbock limits himself largely to those with keys, Johannes Bär is responsible for brass, but also for Digeridoo and Alphorn, while Andreas Broger plays the woodwind instruments to the point of percussion. For the CD "Tour D'Horizon", which was released by the renowned label ACT Music, David Helbock used his favourite jazz pianists and arranged their best known pieces. Exciting, groovy new versions of Watermelon Man (Herbie Hancock) or Bolivia (Cedar Walton), but also quiet pieces like My Song (Keith Jarrett) and many more can be heard.

Over the years, a completely independent band sound has developed and no matter what David Helbock chooses as the source material, a completely independent work of art full of contrasts always emerges, with a spiritual side and yet well grounded. The three of them develop something magical and thus confirm Helbock's credo: "Music begins where words end - a roller coaster ride of feelings, music for the ear and exciting for the eye.

David Helbock: p/electronics/melodica/perc

Johannes Bär: tp/flh/sous/tuba/alphorn/beatbox/digeridoo/electronics/perc

Andreas Broger: sax/cl/fl/flh/perc

«David Helbock ist einer jener jungen, stiloffenen, dem Jazz doch sehr nahe sich wähnenden Pianisten, die aus ihrer Flexibilität heraus Individuelles zu entwickeln verstehen. Kenntnis der Tradition und Einbeziehung von elektronischem Klangmaterial wie auch poppiges Songgut ergeben den Rahmen für eine pianistische Handschrift, in der jazzige Moderne, auch Thelonious Monk, eine Rolle spielen wie auch weniger exzentrischer Mainstream...»

Ljubiša Tošić, Der Standard (AT), August 2016

"David Helbock is one of those young, open-minded pianists who feel very close to jazz and who know how to develop individuality out of their flexibility. Knowledge of tradition and the inclusion of electronic sound material as well as pop song material provide the framework for a pianistic handwriting in which jazzy modernity, including Thelonious Monk, play a role as well as less eccentric mainstream...".
Ljubiša Tošić, The Standard (AT), August 2016



Many thanks to the following supporters, sponsors and patrons:


Davos Klosters; Cultural Commission Canton Graubünden / Swisslos; Cultural Commission Prättigau; Anny Casty Spokesperson Foundation; SUISA Foundation; Anne-Marie Schindler Foundation; Pro Helvetia; Egon and Ingrid Hug Foundation; Boner Foundation for Art and Culture; Cardon Foundation, Klosters; Erica Foundation; Klosters Trade and Industry Association


Maissen, spectacles and contact lenses, Klosters; Graubündner Kantonalbank, Participation Fund; Hotel Chesa Grischuna, Klosters; Rotary Club Davos/Klosters; Schawalder + Kocher, Advokatur | Notariat | Mediation, Klosters; Fleischzentrum, Klosters; Migros Kulturprozent; Helios Apotheke, Klosters; Buchdruckerei Davos; Schauerte, Klosters; A. Rüedi, architecture office, Klosters; Fross Immobilien, Davos/Klosters; Alfina Immobilien, Klosters; Repower, Poschiavo; Monsteiner Bier, Monstein


Vanessa Muntinga, Klosters; Elisabeth and Hans David Meisser, Klosters; Pieter Deiters, Klosters; Hans Peter Kocher, Klosters; John Reisinger, Klosters; Francy Rüedi, Klosters; Rudolf Wassmer, Zurich; Caecilia Duwaer, Sint-Genesius-Rode (Be); Lilot Hegi, Böckten; Mattli & Hew, Davos/Klosters/Zurich; Danièle Meyer, Zollikon; Matthias Müller, Zurich; Ursula Pretzlik, Klosters; Rolf Paltzer, Klosters; Silvia Paradowski, Zurich; Piano Rätia, Davos, ; Christiane and Nicolaus Weickart, Klosters; C. and R. Winkler, Monasteries


Maria Juliane Alban, Klosters; Dropa Drogerie Ambauen, Klosters; Fritz Hegi, Zurich; Fabio Giuri, Küblis; Beatrice Keller, Aarau; Gabriele Klemm, Wädenswil; Jürg Prader, Davos; Hanna Portmann, Zurich; Sigi Ritter, Davos; Edith Schmid, massage practice, Klosters; R. Spokesperson, Klosters; Nicole Stein Lötscher; Andri Steiner, Lavin; Marion Theus, Klosters; UBS Switzerland AG; Angelika Ruth Wilcke; Car dealership Willi, Chur


Ticket discounts: Visitors with JazzCARD or AHV-entitled choose the category "Guest card"
Students choose the category "Member"
Please have an appropriate ID card ready at the cash desk.


Ohne Ermässigung:
CHF 30.- Sitzplatz nummeriert

Gästekarte (Klosters, Davos):
CHF 25.- Sitzplatz nummeriert

Mitglied (KgK/KPD/La Vouta):
CHF 20.- Sitzplatz nummeriert

Kind (bis 18 J.):
CHF 15.- Sitzplatz nummeriert

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Kulturgesellschaft Klosters

Äussere Bahnhofstrasse 3, PF 154
7250 Klosters


Aeussere Bahnhofstrasse 3
7250 Klosters-Serneus

46.87001, 9.88067