Article - Tickets
Advance booking at the counter
Tickets for all events organised by the cultural society can be purchased at the Klosters Platz RhB railway ticket office.
No reservations will be accepted.
Information is available from 081 288 37 24.
Buying and printing online tickets
Tickets for almost all occasions can be purchased over the Internet and printed out immediately: You can either do this in the detailed view of the event (at the bottom or via the link "Buy tickets") or on this page, where you can see an overview of all events currently on sale below.
Buying and receive tickets on your mobile phone
You can call up the mobile-ready website on your mobile phone, buy the ticket, deliver it directly to your mobile phone and get it to the cash register.
Buying tickets at
At all Ticketino advance booking offices
Ticketino has a large number of points of sale throughout Switzerland. All of the cultural society's events on sale can also be purchased there.
Ticket categories
- normal price
- Discount for holders of guest cards from Klosters / Davos
- Discount for members of the cultural society Klosters, the Kulturplatz Davos and La Vouta Lavin
- Discount for children and adolescents up to 18 years of age
Free of charge for hotel guests
The following hotels can give their guests free tickets:
- Alpina, Klosters
- Sport Lodge, Klosters
- Wynegg, Klosters
Ticket purchase directly at the hotel reception.